In today's on-the-go, on-demand, fast-food style culture, clients often ask which protein powders they can supplement into their diet for meal replacement, post-workout fuel/recovery, and even to supplement less than ideal protein intake from daily nutrition.
If you've ever taken a stroll down the protein powder and supplement aisle at your local Whole Foods, you know that there are a plethora of different brands. Isolate. Whey. Rice. Pea. Hemp... subtypes of each. Different additives or nutrients in each of the different types... the list goes on!
If you haven't been paralyzed by the sheer overwhelm of the options, and are further wanting to learn about YOUR options of which protein powder, or powders, would be ideal for you, then this post is for you!
Personally, I like to ROTATE protein blends. I don't tolerate whey, so I stick to pea/rice, hemp, and collagen. Most of us who eat animal protein eat a diet higher in methionine, which whey offers more of as well, so again I like the 🌱 plant proteins 🌱 to balance out amino acids and then collagen to make up for what I'm not eating a lot of (organ meats or bone-in meats).
QUALITY is the toughest part, as with most food these days. It's hard to know what is tested, but most brands on Fullscript tend to be higher quality and come from companies with stricter testing standards.
Before we dive into my ultimate favorites, let's dive into each of the different types of protein powders and compare/contrast each! Plus I'll share WHO would benefit from adding each to their nutrition plan.
(pssst: Save this image to Pinterest for easy reference)
In most cases, protein powder is a pay for what you get type of situation, so stick with pharmaceutical-grade brands like:
My favorite collagen blends include:
That's where I come in. I can help you figure out which protein powder will not only best benefit you, but also explain why - down to how your body metabolizes different nutrients (or doesn't)!
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Rhya Pachin is a licensed dietitian nutritionist who employs an "integrative" approach to support overall health rather than addressing just one symptom. As a certified LEAP therapist, she designs and supervises custom elimination diets. Her focus areas include gastrointestinal conditions like IBS and IBD, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto's, persistent weight issues, food sensitivities, and chronic inflammatory conditions in both adults and children.